Each issue, we feature three pieces (one from each genre) that best align with that issue’s theme. View featured pieces from our past issues below.
Past Featured Pieces
Flash Fiction
“Just one more minute. One more day. One more year. That is all I want. The caps are in the air, colliding against one another just as hard as the bodies in the stands. Parents cry in the audience for what seem like hours, highschool diplomas are gripped in shaking hands…” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
“Dusk had just fallen when Death arrived on Winslow Avenue. Clouds blotted out the stars, only parting to let the slightest sliver of moonlight filter down onto the steps of Fable Faremount’s front porch. Lightning slashed across the sky, briefly illuminating the hooded figure…” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
“The bridge that connects our Earth to the Moon where the royal family resides only freezes for a month a year; the rest of the time it is a treacherous stream of rushing water. During this month, the royal family traverses down to greet a select number of us…” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
Item description
“A forest green sedan zips by an inch from the girl’s nose. The wind rustles her hair. Across the intersection, the bright red hand flashes red. High above, the clouds brush against where the city towers reach into the sky…” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
Coming Soon!
“Have you ever gone to the airport and gotten there early, so early that you could stand to wait in all of the lines without tapping your feet to a beat only you can hear? Did you triumphantly file through the last security checkpoint only to realize that you were so early you had an hour to spare? Did you…” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
“‘We are the dead. Our only true life is in the future.’ Infused in society is the fear and disapprobation of death. Entire industries are built on erasing the omens of death from our bodies. We inject plastic into our flesh, scrub wrinkles away, and burn our roots to look alive...” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
“Dedicated to my Great-Aunt Alice. I love you very much. / Have yourself a merry little Christmas / Let your heart be light. / Next year all our troubles will be out of sight. / It was one of the best days of my life— Christmas Day, 2019. Despite waking up on the floor crammed in a room…” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
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“I always thought the biggest mistake in my life was going to High School. Scratch that, knowing how much my parents had sacrificed for me, I meant my biggest mistake was going to Regis High School in NYC. I've constantly faced challenges when it comes to embracing change…” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
Coming soon!
“Nowadays often, I ask myself, / I stare outside the window and I ask myself, / The train crawls on broken tracks / The sun burns the shattered backs/ As the soul dies and the body collides / I ask myself: what is a dead body? /The rotten visage, an animalistic cadaver / Because animals weep…” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
“Her sea tinted colors tear through Coyoacan. / Marigold-pass’d lovers surrender to Coyoacan. / Holy chains of the church’s bluest vision / imprisoning souls of coyotes tethered by imprecision…” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
“See, stake, and strike the brisk song of static, / before faces config’re within the sea / of burnt snows. Listen to its wistful plea, / of past echos, flakes return chromatic. / Hear the haste in tunes of trumpets before / the titular cast begins the sought show / of old love…” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
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“I don’t know if it’s lucky to live on borrowed time. / Mama says it is / Pieces together fragments of / Haphazard shards of words— / Says your life is like a book from the library / You check out but have to give back by a certain date…” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
Coming Soon!